Graphic Design/Layout
A brochure project about a brief history of wallpaper, focusing on a fun, engaging design and optimum flow.
Grid Layout Publication
A quick mockup for a revisit on the history of the printing press, playing with multiple layout options and designs.
In his project, I had lots of fun devising new ways to translate an idea, using a famous quote from David Bowie. Using Photoshop as well as InDesign, I crafted six very different designs to get this pop icon’s message across.
Early Letterform
Exploring how many ways one can represent an idea, form, or body of text. In this project, I took apart the Hebrew character “Bet”, dissecting what it means, its history, and how it was used. This was a fun project, in which I delved into how many ways I could get the message across, by focusing on the title, then the body copy, and then the symbol.
More Projects
Completed for an assignment for a medical informational pamphlet.
For 4 months, I worked in the Creative Services Department as an intern with the San Antonio Current. I created digital and print advertisements for hundreds of local business, conferring with colleagues and the clients alike. As well as being shown online, my work was shown in publications such as Out In SA, Flavor, College Guide, City Guide, and of course, the weekly issue of The Current. Many formats of ads were created for banners, bumpers, and email marketing.